Monday, May 20, 2013


Sorry for not updating my blog. I have been hard at work on the new mask. I will unleash alot of photos that I have been mainly posting on my facebook.

Since my last post, I have  been working with the Cx5 Bane head I cast. UNFORTUNATELY the plaster <<EXPANDED>> and made the head kinda fat, which isnt good for anybody..
Soo, I decided to Redo the WHOLE THING!!

But dont worry, I've made alot of progress so far and its looking good!

The front of the new Bane mask sculpt

In red Chavant clay


 This was my initial sculpt but I didnt know what I was going to do with the grill. In the real Bane mask he has a hex-hole grill and those aren't just laying around or in your local hardware shop.. I ended up looking out of china for one!! But I just settled with using a hex wrench.. very carefully :) and I also slimmed down the space around the four nose holes.

The white pipe fitting you see was a piece I had 3D printed at Shapeways

Here is the 3D model I made in Blender
Here is the first cast I made in Cx5 and I think it came out beautifully! Nice and smooth

Had a few imperfections though to be taken care of

Here are some of the metal parts of Bane's mask that I am creating in Cx5... almost done

 I took a long time separating the grill from the mask and 'punching' very carefully with the hex wrench the holes.. Cx5 can be very brittle at times and I ended up having to recast the grill separately and 'welding' it back together a few times with my Giles Precision Waxer after dropping or snapping it. The Grill will be inserted in to the front of the mask. It will be an incorporation of the two fittings on the cheek areas and the four top fittings and two bottom fittings. I also sculpted an inset for the grill to rest in. Fits like a puzzle piece :)

here is the inset for the grill assembly

 Also the mask will be held together with magnets I formed a spot that the back piece will attach over the head and inbetween the eyes. The magnet fits great!

Well that is my current progress... more being done by the day. Hours in the labor of love..
until next time..