Friday, January 18, 2013

The Four Month Journey

Hello all,
My name is Russell Jeschke this blog will host a series photos of the progress of the 'TDKR Detailed Bane Mask' I created from from start to finish as well as show you where you can get one.

It started out as a personal Halloween costume project... as Halloween went by; a Christmas present for my brother... as Christmas went by, it became just an awesome gift he appreciated; being the BA marine that he is.

A photo of my brother wearing his monster bane mask.

Detail of the side I used as many 'already made' pieces as a could find in the sculpt. Instead of trying to sculpt the ribbed tubes going over his head, I bought some wire loom and got a perfect representation all the way up and over the head. etc

Here is a close up on the tubes. I wanted to keep alot of detail in them. Especially the four diamond textured tubes. I found a way to keep the tubes true to the bane mask as much as possible. My brother was happy with the results..
You can see from the back that there is an enormous amount of time was spent on detail of this mask. you can see that there is a texture that goes over the whole head


  1. I love this mask! Really phenomenal work. I emailed you about buying one a couple days ago. Still very interested!

    1. thankyou very much Rodney. Hope you got my email, let me know.

  2. This mask looks terrific. I emailed you about buying one couple days ago as well. I'm very interested.

    1. thankyou. I think I got your email. otherwise my email is send me another with your name in the subject. Thankyou for the compliments, i would be happy to get you information on the mask.

    2. I sent you an email regarding the mas. By the way, the video that you made is hella funy hahahahahaha

    3. thanks ha it was took like about an hour of thought! kind of speaks for itself we had fun though.

  3. Hey it's Waylon, just got the mask and its def the best that's out there!!! Ur masks even crushed that $2,000 P.O.S. that someone it's trying to sell on ebay!! LoL
    I'm on my way there to tell everyone there the same!!!! Thanx again for the kick ass mask and ill shoot a pic with it on in the near future.

  4. Thankyou very much WAYLON, I would really appreciate the good word ;) Look forward to seeing those pics too. Find me on facebook, graphix monster.
